The aura cleansing process

S This process is very effective in cases of obsession during sleep and in cases of sexual abuse also during sleep, with tremendous loss of vital energy. The main symptoms, usually in young women, are to sleep too much, too much and to wake up tired, as if they had not rested. He usually has dark circles and has nightmares about things that the person considers "disgusting". Usually an energetic ring was placed on the left ankle, blocking the energy of the earth and the coronary chakra, causing the person to lose the energetic anchoring between the earth and the sun, and consequently, the loss of free will during sleep, in the fourth dimension, dominated by beings of little stupendous evolution.

This process began previously with "innocent" erotic dreams, sometimes even with very pleasurable orgasms, but then turn into nightmares.

N 1.Use two hours for this process. Or start the process an hour before your normal bedtime. Disconnect the phone and do what is necessary to ensure that you will not be disturbed;

  1. Collect yourself in your private space. If you sleep with someone, do it together or go to sleep first (as indicated above). This session requires conscious consent for it to work;
  2. The first 15 minutes of the session consist of listening (or reading) and repeating the resignation of votes. This is very important and requires you to participate consciously. The revocation of votes is a sacred process and will be given personally to you, but will be printed at the end of this document for reference;
  3. Allow yourself to be in a state of concession and surrender.
  4. Sensations and energy movement in and around your body are normal. If at any point during the process you experience tension in any part of the body, relax, breathe and think: LIBERA;
  5. Mental conversations, restlessness, strong emotions and nausea or stomach cramps may arise. They're normal. Take your attention to the heart by placing your hands on your chest. Relax, breathe and think: LIBERA;
  6. You have visions of various colors turning, particularly violet and blue; which are healing frequencies.
  7. Once you have finished with the revocation of votes and have accepted the release of implants, a sleepy, altered state may occur. During this time the Ethereal Masters and Surgeons, the Pleiadiaan angels, will be working with you, "out of the body";
  8. Don't expect anything. Whatever you experience is appropriate for you, as this process is deeply personal and different for everyone; each has different experiences. This is fine and doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong.
    After reading, rest for an hour and a half. Rest in Radiant's arms as ashtar command's ether surgeons begin to take care of you. You may wish to sleep; rests assured that you are on the path to Ascension.
    Well, are you ready? Start! Your commitment to your growth and path of service to the world is commendable! Recite aloud the following vote repeal:

ROCESS "I call upon Christ to calm my fears and to erase any external control mechanism that may interfere with this healing. I ask my Higher I to close my aura and establish a Christchannel for the purposes of my healing, so that only christ energies can flow to me. You cannot make any other use of this channel other than the flow of Christ energies."

(Imagine a clockwise rotation, a violet energy around your body and everything around you immediately. This rotational energy will continue for an entire hour and a half or through the night if you use this procedure before bedtime).

"I now appeal to archangel Michael, Commander Ashtar Sheran, to completely separate and protect this sacred experience." I now appeal to the 13th dimension Security Circle to completely shield, and increase Michael's shield, as well as to remove anything that is not of a Christlike nature and that currently exists within this field.

I now appeal to the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, and to our Christic assistants, to completely remove and dissolve each and every implant and their sown energies, parasites, spiritual weapons, and self-imposed restraint devices, both known and unknown. Once this is completed, I call for the complete restoration and repair of the original energy field, infused with the golden energy of Christ."

Repeat the followi
ng: I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free! I AM free!
(For this healing to be permanent, we must close the doors that allowed it in the first place.)
Repeat the follow
ing: "I, the being known as (declare your name) in this particular incarnation, hereby revoke and renounce each and every one of the commitments of fidelity, vows, agreements and/or association contracts that no longer serve my highest good, in this life, past lives, simultaneous lives, in all dimensions, periods of time and locations. I now order all entities (which are linked to these contracts, organizations, and associations to which I now renounce) to cease and give up and to abandon my energy field now and forever and in retroactive form, taking their artifacts, devices, and sown energies. To ensure this, I now appeal to the Holy Spirit, my Higher I, to bear witness to the dissolution of all sown contracts, devices, and energies that do not honor God/Father/Mother. This includes all covenants and beings that do not honor God/Father/Mother as Supreme. Asome, aman, aman.
I now return to secure my covenant with God/Father/Mother through the dominion of Christ and to devote my whole being, my physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual being to the vibration of Christ, from this moment on and retroactively. Thus dedicating my being to my own mastery and to the path of ascension, both of the planet and mine. Having declared all this I now authorize Christ and my own Higher Self to make changes in my life to accommodate this new vibration and dedication.. I now declare this to God the Father/Mother. That it be written in the Book of Life. So be it. Thank God." No
w, allow us to collectively heal and forgive all of these aspects of yours that made the agreements and to all who participated in their limitation in any way. Please include in this prayer of forgiveness whoever you need to forgive consciously, as well as those unknown to you.
Repeat the followi
ng: "To the universe and to the mind of the whole God and to every being contained in It, to all the places i have been, experiences in which I have participated, and to all beings who need this healing, whether they are known or unknown to me: anything that remains among us, I now heal and forgive. I now appeal to the Higher I, to Master Jesus/Sananda, to the energies of the Pleiades (Mother Mary), to Lord Metatron, to Lord Maitreya and to Saint Germain to help and witness to this healing:
"Dear ones, I forgive you for all that needs to be forgiven between you and me. I ask you to forgive me for all that needs to be forgiven between you and me. And most importantly, I forgive myself for all that needs to be forgiven between my past incarnations and my Higher I."
We are now collectively healed and forgiven, healed and forgiven, healed, and forgiven. We are all now elevated to our Christbeings. We are full and surrounded with the golden love of Christ. We are free from all third and fourth dimensions vibrations of fear, guilt, pain and wrath. All psychic cords and ties attached to these entities, implanted devices, contracts or so-anded energies are now released and healed. I now appeal to Saint Germain to transmute and rectify with the Violet Flame all my energies that have been taken from me and return them to me now in their purified state.
Once these energies have returned to me, I ask that these channels through which my energy was drained be completely dissolved. I ask Lord Metatron to release us from the chains of duality. I ask that the seal of christ's dominion be placed upon me. I ask the Higher I to witness that this be fulfilled. And so it is.
I now ask Christ to be with me and heal my wounds and scars. I also ask the Archangel Michael to mark me with his seal, that I be forever protected from the influences that prevent me from doing the will of our Creator.
And so be it! I thank God, the Ascended Masters, the Ashtar Command (archangel Michael), the Angels and Archangels, and all the others who have participated in this healing and continuous elevation of my being. Selah. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of the Universe! "Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth".


This cure triggers a 21-day cleaning cycle that will bring new openings to your life in many ways. In the first or second week strange dreams may occur. It may also be that you do not have dreams, doing a very deep processing job. In any case, don't worry, they're both normal. Place particular attention on how your own perceptions of the world can change.

Adapted by: Eduardo Chianca Rocha – 2006