Truth and lie


In the present times, "modern", there has been a forgetfulness or even ignorance, of ignorance of universal laws, which remains up-to-date, real and true, regardless of whether its users know it or not or the fads on duty.

These perennial laws are the study of all schools of ancient knowledge, of the wisdom of cosmic, divine laws, be they: Theosophy, Rose-Cross, Hermetic, Anthroposophy, Gnosis, Cabal and many others, and especially of the "seekers of Truth", who seek to connect directly to the cosmic mind, or the so-called "Akashic records", to "drink in the fountain", as a good wolf or eagle , in shamanic science.

The True-Lie duality, within a dialectical, Manichean thought, appears as valid possibilities, within this dual context of human free will, depending on the situation that presents itself.


But within the cosmic laws of a universe or multi-verse, not dual but unified, of a large cosmic quantum hologram, every thought, word and act has an effect that will generate a consequence, causing a chain of action and reaction, cause and effect, as they apply in all laws, including the second law of classical physics, Newtonian, that "each action corresponds to an identical reaction and of contrary effect".In hermeticism, this is one of the seven cosmic laws, called action and reaction.

In the divine nature, whether in its micro or macro-cosmic manifestation, there is only truth, the positive, as in the same way the human mind only recognizes the positive, as is scientifically proven in the theory of "neuro-linguistic programming" (NLP).

Because of this programmed positivity, there is a cyclical constancy in nature that can be simulated through science, which in its various branches of nature study, can generate formulas, equations, mathematical models and other laws that represent this form of functioning of nature, in its infinite manifestations, at the material, physical, electromagnetic, quantum or parallel universes level (theory of super strings) , mental and conscencial.


The lie, in turn, is a breach of these cosmic laws, as can be proven also scientifically through an electronic device, called "lie detector", usually used legally by the police, to find out when people are missing with the truth. This can also be subtly identified by the position and brightness of a candidate's eyes for office by an experienced interviewer.

Do not forget that the word is energy, a force, a power, an amplified vibration, a verb ("at the beginning there was only the verb and god was the verb") and is generated from the generation of a thought, an idea, a mental energy, which generates a magnetic field (called form-thought). In addition, the main factor differentiates the human being from the rest of mammals and their divine ability to use vibration, voice, creatively, to reach other vibrational levels or upper octaves of this multidimensional universe, in which we are inserted, as a universe of energy, similar to an ocean of water, where every movement that is made generates a propagation , as can be seen when throwing a stone into a lake at rest. Our thoughts are further amplified by the power of the word affecting not only those around us, but the entire universe.

Just remembering: the film called "Butterfly Effect", the experiments with water by the Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, or the parables of master Jesus: "when you think about killing already killed", "what does harm is not what enters (in your mouth) is what comes out" (words, vibrations).Also do not forget that vibrations are used in all rituals or religious or spiritual ceremonies (there is a big difference between religion and spirituality, but this is another subject), such as prayers, prayers, mantras, sounds of bells and other instruments, all with the sole purpose of raising the vibration. In everyday life, music has the most varied effects on the human psyche, such as bringing peace or agitation, joy or sadness, anger, depression, awakening good or bad memories, etc.

Let's now look at the various aspects of missing the truth – the lie.

1- In Portuguese, the word lie comes from the mind: "The mind, the mind!!. This refers to the lower mind, controlled by the left hemisphere, analytical, rational, masculine that controls the ego.This is equivalent to the great lie of Cartesian, dual, dominant thought in the Western Hemisphere: "I think, then I exist". This mind is dual and manipulative, without commitment to truth, but with egoic interests, dissociated from a higher consciousness. This is what we see happening in the present times, where there is no longer the widespread practice of truth, the power of the "thread of the mustache" and the "given, committed word" of previous generations, where the word had a power

2- From a physiological point of view, the lie generates a large brain, neuronal imbalance, affecting the whole body, which is detected by the "lie detector", which observes a change in brain waves (measured by the coupled encephalogram electro), variation in the pupils of the eyes, heart rate and respiratory rate, muscle tone and voltage and electrical resistance of the skin. This effect occurs in the reptilian brain, which controls the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) that automatically controls our vital functions and is not directly controlled by the mind. Therefore, it is common for lying people to feel pain in the nape (cervical), because each vertebra is a hologram that energetically "slices" our body (technically called metamerization).

3- Consumes an enormous amount of energy and memory to keep the memory of the lie as a truth. That's why "the lie has short legs", because it's not a natural process.

4- Always leaves the person in a state of constant defensity, of fear, of being unmasked, even in cynical and hypocritical people, who apparently do not have the truth in their scale of values.


There is the "Truth": cosmic, divine, absolute, immutable, and "our truth": relative, changeable, evolving as we expand our intellectual, external, exoteric, dual and egoic knowledge (from the left cerebral hemisphere) to our inner, intuitive, esoteric, unified, divine knowledge of the right hemisphere and pineal gland, (which connects us to our spirit or Higher I) and hence to the higher dimensions) that goes gradually , on a spiritual journey, expanding our consciousness and wisdom to more transcendent levels, generating a worldview of a divine Universe.

In scientific terms, the parable of the great master on "Seek the truth and it will set you free", is explained by activating neurons of the right cerebral hemisphere (which thinks, not the left, which reasons) when we are in a process of searching for new knowledge of life, which can generate an awakening of the pineal gland that makes the intuitive connection to the Higher I , which resides in a unified state of cosmic consciousness. Archimedes' famous "Eureka" refers to this "insight" that generates a ray of mental clarity, in addition to the illusion of the dual, separated and dormant mind.

Therefore, we should never lie and "our truth" should always be expressed in a loving way, without offense, compassionate and, very importantly, at the right time, out of the heat of emotions.

If you have lies in your life that you don't mean, shut up, change and "sin no more," as Master Jesus said. There is no judgment or condemnation at the higher levels of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Great White Brotherhood, for we are warrior and courageous gods incarnated on this planet in such a complex and difficult transition phase. Just get rid of the negative energies (thoughts, words and deeds), true carmic garbage, toxins, poisons, which are being transmuted into Light, from sins being incondidionally forgiven, for in this new age of Aquarius, we have the great opportunity to rescue our forgotten deity, that "we are gods", co-creators of a new reality on this planet.

Blessings of Love and Light,



Written in Lisbon, 27-04-2014.