Pleiadiana Smeours – 2012-2013

By Eduardo Chianca, December 2012.

After a long journey of 13,000 years, planet Earth, our dear Mother Gaia, and her humanity arrives at the winter solstice of the northern hemisphere on 21-12-2012, brought in the solar body of our system, Helius and Vesta, after going through a galactic night of the same period, where we were continually moving away from the very high vibrations, of female arachterism, of the star Alcione , the main constellation of pleiades, with its blue and white vibration. In our collective, archetypical unconscious, it is symbolized as the Divine Mother, Mary or Kwan Yin, just as Jesus was archeatypically associated with the Sun, for this reason the commemorative date of the Birth of the Master Essese is the date of the birth of the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere on December 25.


In this period of darkness or "Kali Yuga", in the last 12,000 years, there have been three significant events for the Consciousness of Humanity, namely: The first two were caused by natural cosmic events and the third by manipulation of satanic forces, of the Annunakis of the planet Nibiru.


There are 12,000 at the end of the Age of Ofiúco or Serpentarium, coming out of the garden of Eden, from paradise, with the natural remoteness of our Solar system from the photon belt (very
high frequency light) that kept our pineal gland (coronary chakra) activated, we received the constant intuitions of our divine spirit (Higher Self), in the 5th dimension, the above the
duality of the 3rd (state of wakefulness) and 4th (sleep state) dimensions.

In this natural state of the human being awake, life is a paradise, with attributes of Truth, Unconditional Love, the feeling of Cosmic Unity, between the microcosm and the macrocosmos, of direct connection to the Higher Self, of clarity of mission and retention of total memory, wakefulness, sleep and other incarnations. For reference, we had close to 100 incarnations in this dark period, from 12,000 to 13,000 years. Even people who "believe" that there is incarnation do not even remember the latter, so it is not surprising that today's humanity does not use even 5% of its brain capacity, despite feeling the most evolved race in the history of the planet and the inflated egos. Poor humanity asleep !!!!


This cosmic event of great proportions is recorded in all the ancestral traditions of our planet, and reported in some religious books, from the Old Testament Hebrew
to the sacred Vedas, usually metaphorically or of divine influence.In fact, according to the translation of the tablites of the ancient Sumeria, first carried out by the Russian researcher, Zacheria Sitchin, in the 1970s, after 35 years of research (see the books: 12th Planet and genesis Revisited), it is demonstrated that what caused the great flood was the
arrival of planet Nibiru ( the home of the Annunakis, which gave rise to the first Roman emperors , to the European nobility and the Jewish people), at a time of the plane
t of ice, of very cold and ice.With the arrival of the immense red planet Nibiru, whose orbit passes between Mars and Jupiter, where there is the asteroid belt, every 3,600 years, which generates a great disturbance on the planet, because of its immense gravitational force (by the physical size) and the low energy vibration (it is a red planet), so in the bookA
pocalypse, which refers to this star as " Absintio – a product that makes people dizzy and is bitter" , it is mentioned that "the earth seems dizzy, drunk" and the "stars fall".In reality it is the balance of the planet that generate these sensations in humanity, recorded in our collective unconscious, as an evil being, the devil, in archetypical terms as a "red being, two horns and a tail of the same color" , which is how we will see Nibiru if he returns to the orbit of our Solar system. The King of the Annunakis, Anun, is the messiah, the envoy, expected by the Jewish people. For this reason, when the envoy of the Spiritual Hierarchy to the Jewish people, as one of them, Jesus, he was not recognized as such, for his messiah is a strong being, warrior (tooth-for-tooth, eye-for-an-eye, as they practice to this day against the Palestinians) and will only come after the Armargedom, which in Hebrew means great destruction, planetary chaos , generated by the arrival of Nibiru and from there, King Anum, descends on a spaceship to Earth, as they have done hundreds of times in the last 440,000 years, which is the record time of the influence of the Annunakis on the planet earth.

Nibiru's return is a state secret of the people, and the only record I saw of it was in the book" The End times" of a great English medium, as scheduled for 2040.

As a consequence of this planetary catastrophe, an immense unconscious trauma was generated in the consciousness of all mankind, which had to survive physically after a planetary chaos, of an unimaginable horror, which caused our Kundalini energy to fall into the chakra of the coccyx, where humanity's total priority was to survive in the physical world of matter. (In The Time of Ofiúco, our Kundalini energy was permanently seated in the lotus of our ring-horned chakra, and not just as a flash as it does in the present day, where we have only fulgazes "insights" of connection, after much spiritual preparation, meditation type, and other forms.

Our basic chakra is that of the survival of the physical body and is connected to the reptilian brain and cerebellum, which carries stored our ancestral memories of this and other incarnations. This reptilian brain controls our autonomic, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which controls all the automatic functions of our organs, our cells, DNA and genes (genetics).

As this brain carries this ancestral memory of physical survival on this planet, we have instinctively reactions of anger, aggression and, especially fear, which pollutes our entire cellular memory and generate our negative emotions of anger, fear, pride, selfishness, etc.

KISAs it is already of great knowledge of spiritual seekers, there has been a great manipulation of human consciousnesses, especially in the Western world, by the creation o
f the following myths:

  1. From Hebrew monotheism,(old testament) where was generated the "separation" of humanity from God, cosmic, universal, represented by the divine, micro and macro cosmic nature
  2. By the derogatory manipulation of women (female energy of the right cerebral hemisphere, intuitive) and consequent creation of the dominant patriarchy still today in the Western world (Marching, priests, etc.).
  3. By the demonization of sex, sinful, shameful, which kept the sacred Kundalini energy trapped in the coccyx, without allowing its natural ascent, vertebra to the vertebra, activating all our emotional chakras until its return to the throne, in the coronary chakra, which connects us to the Higher Self, our divine spirit and from there, the higher dimensions of the universe, which called God.
  4. The feeling of guilt generated by the belief of sex being sinful, also blocks our heart chakra, which awake, makes a direct connection to the coron.

There is a scientific proof (Hearthmath Institute – United States) of an energetic, toroidal connection between the heart and brain. This is also evidenced by the power of the placebo effect, as positively, or of a disease such as AIDS, which knocks down your immune system (thymus gland – heart chakra) when the person has mental knowledge of being a carrier of the HIV virus, as an example.

5. The myth of "original sin", which put in disgraceall Christians, who follow the Old Testament, except the Jewish people, the "chosen of God" (which is true, because Yahweh, god of the Jews, is King Anum, Anunnaki), who suffered their genetic manipulation, as is proven in the work of Zacheria Sitchin.In general, unconscious, this is recorded in the collective unconscious, such as Satánas, Devil, Lucifer, etc., or in biblical terms, such as fallen angels, etc.


Imprisonment to limiting beliefs, like "no reincarnation", heaven and hell, and, above all, fear. Today's humanity, especially western, of Jewish-Christian philosophy has been imprisoned in fear, scarcity and materialism because of the negative energy of information (the negative information generated by the media, controlled almost entirely by this people), generate a very negative mental energy, which stresses and reinforces fear, scarcity and materialism, where humanity has turned into a "thing" , an object" of production and consumption.

In this new Age that begins, it is important that we know about reality, just how to have access to information, but WITHOUT JUDGMENT, or any negative feeling, because this is only part of the world of Illusion, of Maya (in divine Nature, there is only truth, and the opposite of it is not the lie, it is the illusion). As we evolve our knowledge and expand our consciousness, we see reality as it is and move away from the illusion of duality.

D OF DUALITY – The set
of cosmic laws of a dual planet, is known by the 7 Hermetic Laws, brought by the greatmaster H
ermes Trimesgistus, in ancient Atlãntida, Egypt (the god Thor) and Hermes in ancient Gre
ece:Law of correspondence (what is below is like what is above, or holographic, in modern scientific terms) , law of duality, gender, polarity,
mental, karma (cause and effect).




Figure 1-

Fig. 1- Heart toroids (Institute Hearthmath)
Fig. 2- Energy field or human aura.
Fig.3- Earth magnetic field.
Figl 4- Magnetic Field of the Sun

The Torus or toroid, has the above format, with specific characteristics of two poles, north-south or positive-negative, and magnetic fields that flow from one pole to the other a
nd in toroid facing, generating this special format, as common in nature, as in orange, apple, pear, and also the magnetic fields of the Sun, the planet Earth, Jupiter and, pr
obably others not yet identified by science. The theory of cosmic scientist Ithzak Bentov postulates that the Universe also has the shape and characteristics of a toroid, where on on
e side there is a "black hole", created by the Big Bang theory, of infinite gravitational force that attracts everything and "swallows"

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

and according to Bentov, and that on the other side of the Toroid Universe, there is a "white hole" that generate snew universes, which will end up inside a "black hole", after trillions and trillions of light years. Other scientific research theoretically demonstrates that the fields generated inside the atomic nucleus have the characteristics of a toroid.
The magnetic field generated by Alcione, in the constellation of pleiades, known as the photon belt (Light), which we began to enter it on 21-12-2012, accordin
g to the Mayan, Hopis and Cherokee scars, is the inner part of the toroid energy of the Pleiades, and that in general what official science calls elliptical orbits, in realit
yare the toroid surface of the magnetic fields of the stars in reference.

Another characteristic of the toroid is the non-loss of energy in this magnetic circuit, which is in accordance with the new science of free energy or zero point.
Descending a level, at the level of the human being, our aura is also formed by an egg-shaped toroid, where in the center the energy flows through the Sushuma channel, within
the spine, and by The Ida and Pingala, which activates the chakras, awakening the divine Kundalini Energy, flowing through the magnetic fields around the physical body, popular
ly called aura or human energy field , and, according to TMC (traditional Chinese medicine), it consists of 72,000
meridians of acupuncture.
Recent research by a Hearthmath Institute (USA) in the United States has shown that there are two toroids that are formed in the heart of the human being,
one internal and the other external, as can be seen in Figure 1, above. The external goes about 10 feet outside the p
hysical body.
Pleiades supra-mental information, inform that this magnetic field is generated in the so-called secret or sacred camera of the heart, where there is a physical point that seat
es generates the immediate stop of the heart, leading the person to sudden disemdem, without possibility of reinstatement. This magnetic field (toroid) generated in the heart, is what feeds the magnetic field of our brain hemispheres.

The new, more modern physiology attests that there is a "brain in the heart", with millions of neurons, similar to those of the brain. There is an "Intelligent" connection between the heart and brain brain, which is generated in the heart and captured by glial cells (not neurons, electrical processing, but glias, magnetic processing). Information received recently, through the mental screen upon awakening, showed that our heart receives the energy of the lower pole of the toroid of our Solar logos, and that it flows into our brain, mental. Our mental body is Solar, our emotional or astral body, it is mainly lunar and our physical and etheric body is made of the same substances as our Mother Earth. The mental part associated with the Sun, the human mind, like our coronary chakra, which has this name by it magnetically connected to the seventh layer of the Sun, called the corona or crown.

In conclusion, we observe that there is a pattern in nature, at the micro or macro level, of the concept of hologram, where the part contains the whole, the "or what is below is like
what is on top", according to the Hermetic law, of toroids inside toroids, within toroids, and that this must be the form of God, a toroid, omniscient , omnipresent and omnipotent,infini
te and universal, which is in accordance with the shamanic traditions of a "great spirit" that is present throughout the Universe and contains everything, or the concept of a Quantum
-Holographic Universe.


For many ages, thousands of years, we are accustomed to reincarnate and live on a planet whose dominant and low frequency energy, of "masculine" characteristi
cs radiated by our Solar Father, which activates mainly our right, logical, rational and "masculine" cerebral hemisphere. In these eras the only highest vibration, reflected by the Moon, which makes a frequency alchemy, filtering the lower frequencies of the solar spectrum (the red, orange and yellow "colors"), reflecting the highest ones that activate our pineal gland and, consequently, our right cerebral hemisphere, the intuitive or "feminine". As is popular knowledge, there is a great influence of the "stars" on our emotional or "astral" body, catalyzing or amplifying our emotional and mental states, in a positive or negative way.

The energies that flow within the nucleus of the toroid of the constellation pleiades, the photon belt, have a very high vibration, "feminine", still without known scientific references. It is sure THAT NASA will begin to discreetly announce an increase in cosmic ray energy in the gamma frequency, which is equivalent to atomic bombs.


Of course, we are part of a cosmic hologram of toroids inside toroids, and consequently everything that occurs in the macro, will affect and reflect on the micro. As t
his increase in cosmic vibration, there will be the biblical "separation of the tares from the wheat," with a portion of humanity coming out of the long sleep of the illu
sion of duality, the expansion of consciousness and spiritual awakening, and on the other hand, large portions, most of humanity, which have their chakras blocked or disa
rmed ( do not forget that all cosmic energies flow in our toroid (subtle bodies) individualized by chakras and that circulate by the nadis the meridians of acupuncture
,by our etheric body, which energizes the physical body.This vibrational increase, causes pulsate our pineal gland, the cosmic antenna, with greater intensity, which
will make more people awaken to "their mission or purpose in this life", as well as by blocking there will be a disproportionate increase in diseases affecting the head, such as: headaches, labyrinthitis, migraines, dizziness and psychics, such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fibromyalgias and many others.


The Spiritual Hierarchy, or the Great White Fraternity, in this local Universe of Nebádon, does not intervene incisively in a humanity of dual evolutionary scale, unambig
uous, and dominated by involutive forces, as is the case of our planet in the last 12,000 years, where the "gods" Annunakis, originating from the planet Nibiru, created false b
elief systems, such as Jewish monotheism, non-reincarnation , the original rejection and sin of Christians in general, with the exception of the "people chosen by God", with the domination of patriarchy.


As part of the 26,000-year-old cosmic cycles, similar to the annual solar stations, where there is an energetic modulation as a function of the photon belt ofAlcion
e (for this reason, the name Pleiades, originating from ancient Greek, means the "divider" of the seasons), there are appropriate cycles of an increase in general consciousness an
d in particular of humanity, such as the cycle we are beginning now, as well as frequencies of Light suitable for the manifestation of beings of Light , directly
or through incarnated consciousnesses with the purpose of partnerships or communication with beings of dimensions greater than the planes of duality, of 3rd and4
th dimensions. It is these superior consciousnesses of the Pleiades, Sirius and Arcturus, who are bringing new transcendental knowledge, new techniques of ho
listic healing, through various channels or directly to each human being that connects to his Higher Self.


A new set of high vibration energies has been made available to the planet as a catalyst and accelerator of consciousnesses, such as: the Violet flame (used t
o transmute or "burn" old emotions and belief system, the Emerald flame (to increase the vibration of the right cerebral hemisphere, and consequently intuitive
perceptions) and Platinum energy, to aid in the process of Spiritual Ascension, after the adjustments already made by the previous ones.

A new race, called Indigo, by the color of its aura, began to embody on this planet, from the 1950s, when the dispensation of the energies of the Age of Aquari
us began, whose primary purpose and to break the old patriarchal structures dominant on the planet. There are also other even more spiritualized and evolved races, such as cri
stal, which is still in small quantities, in a phase of adaptation to the dominant energies of the Earth, because they are in their first incarnation in this orb, requiring
adaptations in his reptilian brain and cerebellum.

E GRIDThe main tool to help humanity for its spiritual reconnection and awakening of consciousness, was the long process of activation of the portals and crystalline structures de
rived from ancient Atlantis, which began naturally with the cosmic alignment called Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and, from there, as a co-creative project between the Spiritual
Hierarchy and humans incarnated with this mission , with the superior coordination of Archangels Metatron and Michael.

This occurred through the activation of energy structures in places of power of the planet, on dates of high natural vibration, such as the equinoxes and solstices and on the triple dates, year by y
ear, from 01.01.2001 until 12.12.2012, when the new magnetic connection between the pineal gland of all humanity and the planet was reestablished. This works similarly will a
network of antennas as occurs in mobile operators, and each human works as the cellular device that receives the signal from a certain
carrier. If the phone is disconnected from the network, it loses its primary communication function. From the winter solstice, on 21-12-2012, there will be a mass reconnecti
on, in geometric expansion of the seeking humanity, with the awakening of consciousness generated from the connection to the Higher Self. From this accelerated process, we w
ill see the construction of a new mentality on the planet.Just wait!!!


Planet Earth and its humanity are entering a new phase, or living majority, just as when a human being who comes out of minority and enters legal m
ajority, is automatically subject to a new set of laws and responsibilities. We are moving from a phase of duality to unity, hence it becomes nece
ssary to know and apply these new laws. As we are entering the high energy of the constellation of Pleiades, Pleiaian consciousnesses have brought us a Uni
verse Gift, a new codex, of 43 laws, appropriate for this new Age, Pleiadiana or Light. These 43 (4+3=7) laws have the same vibration as number 7, or frequencies of
the 7 laws that prevailed in previous periods of duality.We must rule our lives from now on, according to these new laws, so that we do not run the risk of s
uffering their penalties, and orient ourselves as a divine compass, which guides us toward the Light.

Among them, one summarizes all, the number 43, called the "Law of Reconciliation: which replaces the Law of Karma, of action and reaction, and decrees that all individualizations, in
their vast forms of existence, must unify their similarities and diminish their differences among themselves. This law is more of a decree than a law, since it serves these
planets and for these civilizations that are evolving, but that continue with their problems, and it is a cosmic imposition of evolution and for those who will stay in t
hisnext cycle, or will have to look for other places to evolve.Thus, we would like you to understand that the Law of Karma has been withdrawn, but that the Law of Reconciliation is the "n
ew" Law of Karma, in the sense of being inexorably bound to it.If you do not remember any more laws, stick with this, because unifying similarities and diminishing differences was the highest synthesis of the Cosmic Council in terms of understanding the Reading of Unity, the Law of Love, the Law of Mercy, the Law of Grace and all others.It is through this premise that they must lead their civilization from now on." (NOTE: see full Codex, channeled by the Pleiadianos on the

Making an analogy by spiritist knowledge, brought by master Ascenso Allan Kardec, in the 19th century, we are entering an era of regeneration, where there will still be evil, but with the preponderance of good. In this new phase of humanity it is fundamental that we see reality as it is, free from illusion, but without making Judgments. Since the One Being is a divine being, he cannot be judged or even forgiven for something negative he has done, what must be forgiven are the situations he created, and this situation must be forgiven, not the person. For this is why there is the maxim: "God loves the sinner and hates sin."