ON"Time, facts or individual brain activities, without assistance, can sometimes soften or destroy an opinion without revealing any outward sign of change..There was no conspiracy to fight her, but her followers, one by one, quietly abandoned her. While their opponents remained silent, or only changed their opinions stealthily, for a long time they did not realize that a great revolution had actually occurred."


VILLEIn the early 80's a book marked me deeply.. He was young and surprising, spoke of a "new era" in the future and was ahead of his time. It was Marylin Fergunson's "The Aquarian Conspiracy."On it, the wizard of the futurology of the executive world, John Naisbitt, author of the Book "Megatrends 2000" (Mega trends 2000), said that while his book talks about changes in society; the Aquarian Conspiracy deals with changes in ourselves, in our minds and in our consciousness.
In 1977, Russian chemist Ilya Prigogine, when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for a theory describing transformations, not only in the physical sciences but also in society, said that: "We are at a very exciting moment in history, perhaps a decisive moment." Science he said is revealing the reality of a "deep cultural" vision, and that poets and philosophers are right in their insinuations of an open and creative universe.
In every age, said the scientific philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, man has claimed that he is at a decisive moment in history. "And to some extent, as he advances in an upward spiral, he wasn't wrong. There are times, however, when this impression of transformation becomes accentuated and is thus particularly justified.
As Marylin Ferguson mentioned, "Teilhard prophesied the phenomenon that treats the Aquarian Conspiracy, and today we can say that the author also prophesied in the 80's what would happen two decades later, of which we are now witnesses, at the beginning of the 21st century.
Basically, The Aquarian Conspiracy prophesied that at the beginning of this century there would be the transformations that we are currently experiencing: an era of new human relationships, with more freedom and leadership of women, global communication, internet, spiritualization, greater internalization, changes in paradigms in medicine, science and a human search in relation to its own essence and a greater awareness, an era of mentalism and spirituality.
In the 1930s, Pierre Teilhard in an essay called the "Spirit of The Terrra", that "a conspiracy of individuals of all social layers were engaged in an effort to elevate to a new stage the building of life", toward a point he called "Omega Point", where certain individuals, attracted by a transcendent view of the future , forming a bridgehead in the collective task of bringing humanity to this broader consciousness. "The only way to progress is in the direction of a common passion, a conspiracy." And he stated that "nothing in the universe could resist the cumulative fervor of the collective spirit." While many resist the idea that the mind evolves, he commented that the idea will eventually achieve a general acceptance." "Evidence of this evolutionary impulse was provided by all sciences, blind being those who refuse to see them. Evolution is a condition that all theories must bend to, a curve that all lines must follow," Teilhard said.
We are experiencing this transformation, where only a few still see clearly, and as master Jesus said, "whoever has eyes that sees it." We are moving towards the Apocalypse, prophesied by John, and the year 2012 is the Omega Point of Teilhard.
On the eve of World War II, Herry Miller published in "The Wisdom of the Heart"" In what language can we describe things for which there are no names yet? And how to describe relationships/ All we can do is guess the nature of those we are attracted to, the forces to which we voluntarily obey…
In the mid-1950s, psychoanalyst Robert Lindner wrote a book titled "Should We Conform?", about an impending youth riot. The answer is a resounding No! No – not just because, deep down, we are creatures that we cannot conform to… but there is also an alternative way of life within our reach, here and now. It is the form of a positive rebellion on the way to creative protest."
In 1960, in the monumental work "Literature and the Western Man", J.B. Priestley stated that "the schizophrenic Western culture was desperately searching for its center, for some point of balance between inner and outer life."
In this regard, said Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in the bestsel
lerFrench "The awakening of magicians, describe an open rebellion of intelligent individuals transformed by their inner discoveries. The members of this network could be the conteporane conductors of a long line of esoteric knowledge.Would they have just now surfaced of the secret traditions of alchemists and rose crosses?"
These beings are the legions of "Lightworkers", a cosmic network of beings who telepathically communicate with masters of the Great White Fraternity, whose point of support and communication is the Internet. It is an immense network of beings from all countries who conspire for the entry of the earth into this new era. Today, the Indigo Children are part of this legion who are being born sneakily in every household in every social class on the planet.
In 1964, Marshall Mcluhan, in his book How to Understand the Media, when coined the term "global village", of enormous influence," described the planet in a unified way by communications technology and the rapid dissemination of information instantly, would bear no resemblance to the thousands of years of previous history, and that the human being becomes more aware of his unconscious , that an increasing number of people aspired to unity, empathy, a deeper awareness, revolting against the patterns imposed, wishing that people would be open."
Psychologist Abraham Maslow described in his theory of the pyramid of motivations that there is an inborn impulse in man beyond basic survival and emotional needs-a longing for meaning and transcendence, a concept of self-realization.

In the past we have many references on this new era, through the prophecies of Nostradamus is the very book of the Apocalypse of John. There are many interpretations about these classic books that we will not address. I do not want to take away the importance of your messages, although we will focus here on other more scientific and newer sources.
With regard to mayan prophecies, of the greatest relevance, with in-depth studies on it, with several research books by various authorities, such as: José Argüelles and Alberto Beuttenmüller and others, which deal in detail with the science of mayan time, very seriously, scientifically demonstrating the information about the transformations planned for our planet from 12/21/2012.
With the discovery of my Cherokee origin, (Native American people, of origin of the stars called Pleiades) through memory regression techniques and also spontaneous memories of other experiences, I had access to the book "Voices of Our Ancestors", De Dhyani Ywahho, shambhala publishing, (Shambhala Publications, Inc, Boston –USA) , it is stated that after generations of secrecy among the Cherokkees themselves, it was decided to share their ancestral knowledge with the other races, depending on the new era that the earth would be entering, from August 16, 1987, where one would be leaving the last cycle of nine hells and entering a new cycle of thirteen paradises or heavens. This would be happening due to the movement of Venus, Mars, the earth around the sun, Syria and the Pleiades. When we analyze the ancestral knowledge of nature of other races, other than the dominant white, such as the ancient Egyptians, with their pyramids perfectly aligned with other stars of the cosmos, the Mayan peoples, with their ancient secrets, we have to use common sense and begin to question the "modern" science currently existing. To this day there is no idea how the various pyramids were built with their pieces of huge parts that to this day there is no equipment capable of moving them. Or did they have other knowledge of how to eliminate the force of gravity, still unknown today from our "modern" civilization, specializing in the generation of weapons of war, to consummate the killings of human beings across the planet?
Summarizing all this evidence, it seems that we are privileged in so many thousands of years to be exactly now having the opportunity to live on earth. And I am convinced that we will not have many alternatives, and that the year 2012 will be a chaos, regardless of whether or not any planetary event occurs, because although the official media does not mention anything about it yet, there will be no chance of there not being a climate of concern as we move towards 2012.
Therefore, it is best to prepare to face this great event, since we have no other alternative, because I do not see the possibility in such a short term of changing planets.

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