When we begin to analyze the issues of the planet, the question of number seven jumps to our eyes: seven musical notes, seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras, seven hermetic laws, seven days a week, 28 (4 times 7) for the lunar cycle and for cell renewal (apoptosis) so many other countless cases of nature.
The greatest law in the Universe is that of Evolution in the direction of love, which is the primordial energy of the universe… and this is the energy emitted by the one who our conscience understands of God. In this evolutionary stage we still have great difficulty in understanding or even feeling this energy called God. This primordial consciousness rules through laws, as any ruler would, and there is perfect logic when it is understood and perceived… and that's why it's said that God's things are perfect and finished… what seems wrong for our understanding means that we are not yet understanding the law in the right way, and that it represents God's will as a way to promote our evolution, which is often not felt so by our limited and selfish consciousness.
Especially in the Western world, due to the influence of philosophies and religions that placed man at the center of the universe as a higher being, and that everything on the planet was to serve him, never that he shared this planet also with other beings who were part of the same evolutionary process on earth, only at other levels of form and consciousness. During these centuries, knowledge was lost that was intrinsic to all the native peoples of the various continents, the Celts in Europe, the natives of America, and all these races, considered inferior by the white man, were decimated, usually in the name of so-called Christian religions.
Because of this was losing man's sense of unity with the earth and the universe, he was feeling increasingly isolated, and no longer realized the partnership he needed to exercise with nature itself.
Because of this, in the present times we have all the unresolved issues regarding aggressions to the environment and nature in general, especially in the so-called more technologically developed nations.

A fundamental question with regard to our beloved planet, which can be considered as a small grain of sand, a flying point in the Universe, welcomed us in this our experience of this life. The earth can be regarded for the purpose of understanding as a cosmic laboratory, where the predominant law is "that everything is allowed", and human beings have this ability of free will, apparent, as a new way of, individually, by free consciousness going down its evolutionary path on this planet. On earth there are 3 categories of evolving consciousnesses: elemental beings, or spirits of nature, representing all non-human consciousness, including minerals, vegetables and animals, non-humans, humans themselves incarnated and of all religions.With disincarnated, and spiritual beings, or angels, as mentioned in the sacred books except for human beings, all other consciences follow the divine will and are here to serve, within their evolutionary process.

We will study in more detail the Hermetic Laws, as they are natural laws applied to the planet Earth.

First Law – MentalismThe

universe is mental.This means that our reality is mental, the being is what he thinks, and his thought is a function of his belief system, culture, level of knowledge and consciousness.. It is easy to realize that the world is mental if you talk to several people of different religions, who are based on different avatars. Most people will think yours is the real one.
It is essential to understand this law well, as it is vital to our everyday life, our health, professional career, relationships and everything that affects us.
Our mind is like an electromagnetic generator that transmits information to every cell in our body. In this case, each cell behaves like a receiver device and the DNA XXXX functions as an antenna, in real time and in wireless communication, as it is becoming increasingly popular in the most modern electronic devices.
Consequently, our truth is what has been placed in our minds as such, by our parents as children, by our society, by religion and especially today by all media and propaganda. To imprison and control a person it is not necessary to physically arrest him, just enter his mind and hold him inside, and as each being has his own free will, means that the person comes to believe that that truth is his. There is even a true statement: Repeat a lie to many people, for a long time, that it turns into a truth…
In our Western society, this control has been used extensively by what I will call the Hidden Government of the Earth, which is represented by the great press and large multinational companies, creating an artificial world, focused on consumerism and materialism, as if the human being were just a physical being, and whose only goal in life was to consume superfluous and disposable products that are obsolete periodically , polluting our planet.
This is also very clear in the area of health, because evidence shows that people depending on their thoughts and emotions, positive or negative, directly affect their physical and psychological health. You're what you believe. If you believe that a rain, which is a divine manifestation, is only receiving a few drops that begins to sneeze.. Take the test the other way around, and enjoy a good rain and you'll see that nothing happens but have fun and improve the mood.
It was because of this law that Jesus said that when you tampered with thought, you were already realising (TAKE THE DETAIL IN THE BIBLE) or that your faith was that healed you (faith is a concentrated thought of the bible); Con
sequently, the intention, which is a manifestation of a desire to occur in the future, has the power to channel the energies of the universe in the direction of the realization of that intention. In the present time, whoever has intentions according to the premises of the new age that is coming, which are love, service and harmony with God, will have all the forces of nature conspiring for this intention to occur.
Sumarizando, through thought we build our reality in life. According to the Law of Attraction the Universe will give you what you attract, what you create for you, and this creation is purely mental.

nd in a relaxed way, and do the following theater: say aloud the following phrases: I love myself, I love, I'm happy, I'm a divine being, I'm a dear being… and now, feel the sensations in your physical body, which are of peace and lightness, in all the cells of your body. Now, repeat, using negative expressions, like: I'm angry, I'm angry, I'm sick, I hate myself, and feel how your cells react in real time to this prank… imagine what happens in reality when people get out of balance… for this reason more and more people get sick, the more pharmaceutical laboratories sell more drugs that always have side effects, which generate more diseases, thus creating a vicious circle.
In the book The Message of The Waters, it is demonstrated the influence of thoughts on the formation of water crystals and in the film, which we are us, one wonders if the mind has the power to influence even water in an external way, imagine the effect on our own cells and the im

pact on our health.2nd Law of
Correspondence: "What is on top is like what is below."This law is important because it reminds us that we live in more than one world.We live in the coordinates of physical space, but we also live in a world with no space or time.The earth's perspective usually prevents us from seeing other domains above and below us. Our attention is so focused on the microcosm that we do not realize the immense macrocosm around us. The principle of correspondence tells us that what is true in the macrocosm is also true in the microcosm and vice versa.So we can learn the great truths of the cosmos by observing how they manifest themselves in our own lives.That's why we studied the universe: to learn more about ourselves.In the smallest particle there is all the information in the universe.
Another reading we can make of this law is with regard to the question of Unity that is spoken so much and is so little felt.

Second Law of Vibration.

Vibration is a characteristic of nature, as everything is alternating and has a frequency. Nothing is at rest, from galaxies to subatomic particles, everything is movement. All the matter as we see it is constructed of atoms and molecular structures that oscillate, with movements and rhythms, as in a dance. This works as a vibrational track, a spectrum of vibrations that increases according to an infinite piano, from the increasing vibrations. As common examples, we have the heartbeat (measured by the Electro cardiogram), we have brain vibration (measured by electroencephalogram)

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