elles CONVERGENCE works full-time for the Movement Change for the thirteen moons/28 Days for Peace calendar, president of a foundation on the study of time, coordinated at the planetary level, the dissemination of the cosmic event called harmonic convergence, on August 16, 1987, where there was the first great planetary alignment and our sun definitively entered the photon belt of the star Alcione, in the central sun of the Pleiades.
During harmonic convergence, a Mayan call to awaken, which was answered by millions of earths across the planet, twenty-five before the entry of the planet Earth into the photon belt, on 12/21/2012, according to the Mayan calendar.
The cover story on the Harmonic Convergence of the Wall Street Journal, of June 23, 1987, read: "The new Age will have its dawn in August, say the Seers… and Mr. Argüelles' prophetic words say that the choice between a new era and total destruction is ours and that we would have to choose better."

In summary, in a simplistic way, time is not what we commonly experience a mechanical, linear and false measure. It is a fourth-dimensional frequency or vibration, far beyond our clocks and our calendars, it is a complex science, with sophisticated mathematics, far beyond Western materialistic scientific knowledge. So great is this science that its conceptions of time go beyond anything the Western imagination can conceive of.
In another book, A Treatise on Time (1996), he states: Just

as air is the atmosphere of the body, time is the atmosphere of the mind. If the time we live in consists of irregular months and days regulated by mechanized hours and minutes, this is what will become our mind: a mechanized irregularity. Since everything comes from the mind, it is not surprising that the atmosphere in which we live daily becomes increasingly polluted. The biggest complaint is, "I don't have enough time!" Whoever owns his time has his mind. Be an owner, I give you your own time and you will know your own mind.

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