The most treacherous form of slavery is one in which the prisoner is unaware of his chains."

Throughout human history on this planet, we are aware that human slavery periodically exists, from biblical temples and more recently since the sixteenth century, both in the United States and Brazil, only as two significant examples, as practiced on a large scale by the dominant white governments of that time, practiced the mass slavery of millions of Africans from various countries and ethnicities. And, amazingly, with the explicit support of the Roman Catholic Church, for he considered that the dark-skinned human being had no soul, similar to an irrational animal.
All these regimes of slavery had as common denominator the limitation of physical freedom, among others, as a religious practice, and so many other abuses, including sexual. In more recent times, during World War II, Nazism practiced the same kind of procedure of physical slavery, with concentration camps against Jews and other races considered inferior by the Nazis.
But in the modern Western world, there is a new method of slavery much more serious: mental, psychological slavery. The most effective form of slavery is to enter the human mind itself, to control it from the inside, with the person believing that he is exercising his sacred free will.
The form of slavery, or the suppression of individual freedom, more effectively is the person himself believing that he is not being controlled, and that his decisions are the fruit of his will. From the moment the person is acquiring habits that are pernicious, the person is being held hostage by them. This is what happens when you get used to an addiction, in your daily life. Whether it's a coffee, a cigarette, a beer or getting manipulated by the propaganda that flood our lives daily. Please note that you purchase the goods and services according to your real need or the will of others, manifested through the media.
In Mattew Kelly's book "Rhythm of Life," one of the bestsellers on the New York Times list, (pg 108), he

states: "At a time when slavery was abolished, we became slaves. The threat is not external, but internal. We have become our own worst enemies. People become slaves to the standards of culture, alcohol, drugs, fashion, food, pornography, the game of sex, the violence of consumerism.You consume things and people. Our slavery is the result of a collection of vices that we most often refuse to recognize and face. These addictions attack the take care not only of our bodies, but also of our minds, hearts, spirits and checkbooks. Addiction is the mortal enemy of self-discipline. Addiction is the enemy of freedom. Addiction subtracts even our dignity."
When we analyze in our daily life, we are slaves, through the media, mcdonalds, Coca Cola, designer brands, clothes to cars, the dictatorship of fashion, movies, usually full of more propaganda and patterns of behavior, which every season dictates the directions of what is modern, what is "inside", to be "IN".
In this issue of addiction, the issue of medications deserves to be highlighted, where most besides the various side effects usually generate chemical and psychological dependence. Antidepressants, medicines for insomnia, and more recently libido enhancers, type Viagra, Levitra, Cialis that generate dependence even among young people who start use as a curiosity and become psychologically dependent on the drug. The revenue and profit of these drugs, all superfluous is always in the range of billions of dollars.
As a curiosity, according to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, in 2006, brazil spent more money on cigarettes than on beans and rice, which is the basis of Brazilian food.
Another example of addiction that deserves to be analyzed separately is television. People, and especially young people, are addicted to spending hours, wasting precious time, half anesthetized, hypnotized, in front of the small web, receiving loads of advertising and cultural standards that only interest advertisers. The news, globalized, are always negative, with the aim of leaving the person prisoner of stress and insecurity. Television atrophies the mind and all brain activity, leaving people imbecilized.
As all these addictions are part of our daily lives, they go unnoticed and are part of our lives. Stop for a moment now, and make a list of addictions you're carrying and spending your health, wasting your time and especially spending your hard-on money-hard stuff on things that add nothing to your life. In this exercise, a good test of slavery is if you can stop the habit for at least twenty to eight days, because it is the minimum time that our organism, in a psychosomatic way, demonstrates that it is free of an addiction. If you can't spend this time free from addiction, it means you're enslaved with it, and consequently being manipulated by the media and the interests of others. Survey how many financial resources you waste on addictions, without taking into account the aspects of illness that are typically associated.
It is essential that every human being has clear what his real needs are, to achieve his goal in this life, to be the best person he can be. This is the main goal of every human being: to be the best person she can be.
In the modern Western world, based on various research and on my own experience as a holistic therapist I note that the consumption of red meat, in addition to its already proven relationship with cancer, which is a characteristic disease of modern Western society, it has the effect of blocking the flow of vital energy from the coronary chakra at the top of the head.This blockade, besides being one of the factors of cancer generation, has the effect of blocking the connection of the human being with the superior energies, which allow him to be a multidimensional being, and instead leaves him only in the material world, three-dimensional, and consequently it gets easy prey of vices because for him the world is limited to the material world Three dimensional.
When you carefully observe the lifestyle and food of the Western world, it is very media-oriented and american, artificial and industrialized food. Food is a fundamental factor for human health, both physiologically and energeticly. Natural food, fresh fruits and vegetables have a high vital energy index, that is, it charges its "battery" of vital energy, while processed and industrialized foods and beverages, always with chemical additives, discharge their battery.
We must not forget that our organism always works in real time, processing everything immediately, in a positive or negative way.
On this journey of purification of our aura, and of our bodies, it becomes essential that we have control of our lives and get rid of our vices, starting with food.
A controversial issue is the consumption of red meat of bovine origin, so traditional in Western cuisine. There is already a clear relationship between the consumption of red meat and also processed meats, such as salam, hamburger, and cancer in the Western world. In addition to this already well-known aspect there is another one that I observed among my patients: a direct relationship between the consumption of red or processed meat and the blockage of the corony chakra, as already mentioned before. If this happens, there is a blocking of superior communications, via intuition, which allow us to access the "cosmic internet".

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