EDUARDO CHIANCA (20/03/2020)
We can consider gratitude as a virtue of divine, spiritual order, for we can see reality as it is, clearly, without the mental "veils" that exist at the level of the ego, prisoner in limiting patterns, beliefs and emotional attitudes. Where there is no gratitude, the ego is always dissatisfied with the present situation, criticizing, judging, complaining and with negative criticism, because these are their emotional "foods".
When we magnetize our thinking with the energy of gratitude, we reach very high vibrational levels with which we enter into harmonic resonance, and receive spiritual nourishment that nourishes our hearts with the energy of love. From the perspective of gratitude, you thank us for being alive, breathing, walking, thinking, for the sky, for the clouds, for Mother Earth and for the Sun Father, who give us life.
Looking from a perspective of our soul (auric field/subtle bodies) and our Upper I (spiritual body), among the divine virtues we possess, love is the first and then comes gratitude, not only as a mental pattern, but as an exercise that needs to be practiced, as a physical exercise for the body, which is being conditioned step by step, in an evolutionary process, depending on our intention or will, which moves our vital energy, energized by thought, once the energy follows the thought. 
In order for this exercise of gratitude to be understood in its performance in our bodies (physical, etheric, emotional and mental) and thus can be practiced in a conscious and scientific way, we need to make some considerations. 
The first aspect is the fact that we still live in a world of duality, subjected to negative and positive physical, emotional and mental conditions, of free will, subjected to the law of action and reaction (the carmic law), although the tendency is towards the positive, of divine unity, as we continue our evolutionary journey of the soul, one life after another , in the course of the Age of Light, of Aquarius.
A second aspect is that we can consider this planetary transition of our Mother Gaia, as the cosmic birth of a new humanity, more evolved, and as in every childbirth, there are pains and the "grinding of teeth". We are already experiencing this "childbirth", this "departure" to a new state of consciousness, only that humanity has become accustomed to the "normality" of wars, diseases, poverty, hunger, immense social and financial imbalances, where less than 1% of the population holds 99% of the financial resources of nations.
Therefore, we will see more and more, in this beginning of transition, a "call" or a lacerating cry of the birth of Mother Earth, with natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, droughts, extreme temperatures and, at the social level, political instability, wars, terrorism and other movements, in addition to the consequent, depression, worry, anxiety, anger, indignation and fear.
Although these "tips" are expressed in the book Revelation (revelation) of John, disciple of Jesus, it is not necessary to come to the knowledge of these prophecies, just look "with open eyes", to the reality of the present, that we are already experiencing this transition. 
Therefore, we must see this transition in a positive way, as an opportunity for fruitful service, not only for our own evolution, but mainly because we can help others in their awakening and, as a consequence, helping our Mother Gaia, a divine, cosmic being, an awareness, which we forget and treat as a "dead thing", tearing up their "flesh" (earth element) , with mining, asphalt, megacities, etc.; its "blood" (element water, rivers, seas); its atmosphere (air element); and the most serious and damaging of all, its vital, energetic field (ether element), with its feelings, negative thoughts in every way. So, by taking a correct approach, from a broader perspective, there really is an urgent need, before it is too late, for the "purifying fire", at all levels, so that the opportunity for a new, more meek humanity arises. As Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth."
Therefore, keep your gratitude and feel the privilege and honor of being now in this historic moment, where only maintaining an attitude of emotional balance will already make an immense difference by being able to anchor the divine vibrations that are being transmitted by angelic beings, messengers of the Greater Light, of high dimensions, but who need the "torches" that will anchor fire – an element that is only manifested through another element – , which radiates a light that lightens the path. It is beyond our human understanding, even in the people already awakened, the perception of the amount of spiritual help we are already receiving, with blessings of love and gratitude, for it is fundamental to partner those who "are below", we, with those above, "they", who are "we", in other dimensions.These Beings, Pleiadianos, Sirians, Arcturians and others of the Light, feel for us the greatest honor and respect, for our courage to incarnate in this transition and seek to purify ourselves, raising the vibration of the soul, so that we may enter into telepathic resonance with our Higher Self and with Them and thus we can serve, manifesting what we have come to do, the sacred-craft, the mission.
A third aspect is that when the practice of gratitude is dominant in our consciousness, challenges, difficulties and problems turn into opportunities for growth, teachers or teachers who are showing us something that needs to be worked on and developed. When one clearly analyzes these "challenges of life", they are often not physical in order, such as pain or illness, but are emotional issues such as anger, fear, depression, guilt, or mental, such as anxiety, worry, selfishness, envy; are in fact "diseases of the soul", which when cured, the others, consequently, are also cured, all at the level of ego-personality.
Looking from another angle, the greatest difficulty for the exercise of gratitude are the "attachments" and "resistances" of the ego, generated by mental patterns – often transferred from other incarnations – attitudes and belief systems, which create a rigidity to change, to a new, more flexible psychic approach. Popular wisdom says, "If you want to get better, you have to change!"
As I have seen our "bodies", or rather, electromagnetic, emotional (or astral) and mental fields, can be in tune with a whole vibrational spectrum, from very low ranges such as emotions of fear, anger, sadness, indignation, etc., to the highest, divine, such as joy, contentment, enthusiasm, hope, love, harmony, lighting, etc., as in a wide receiver radio. All these vibrations are continuously sweeping the surface of the Earth and its humanity, and the person will tune in, come into resonance, according to the vibration generated by his thought, which functions as a radio dial that we manipulate to choose the desired station, from the lowest to the highest.
This energetic, creative trinity that we call thought originates in our physical heart, which is a generator of toroidal magnetic fields, which increase our auric field, in a harmonious way, coherent ly or not. 
Therefore, it is clear that when we have the practice of gratitude as a divine virtue in our hearts, besides being a sign of awakening of consciousness, it also functions as an instrument to raise us higher and higher, and consistently, proper to the teachers, who have passed, in this or other incarnations, by learning, in duality as disciples, with the ups and downs , proper to this phase of learning, in the journey of life.
Concluding, with the practice of gratitude, even living in duality, our perception of reality changes completely from negative to positive, where difficulties and problems become challenges, teachers and guides that create evolutionary opportunities. Recalling that the Chinese ideogram for "crisis", consists of two others: risk and opportunity.
It's your choice! Think about it!
Good journey!
( Written on 06-11-2017 in Russia.)
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