The physical body in healing

We will always have a task for the body: not to wear it uselessly, with vices or impositions.

The physical body is a part of our being that has reached a high degree of perfection. It has an evolved consciousness, as demonstrated by its complex and precise functioning. If we consider him the abode of the Spirit, as it really is, he is treated by us with the dignity we owe him. Transmitting this conviction to the body is the main healing work that we must provide.

We can bring to every cell the information that it is the custodian of the essence of a perfect and wholesome spiritual ide; and if we keep this statement well present in our consciousness, the body will have health, even within the limits presented by the law of material karma.

If we do not repute the body something sacred, any resource we seek for its healing – exercises, food, rest or treatments – may be palliative. When we bring him, however, to acquire the awareness that he is an instrument of the inner being, he himself clearly indicates what he needs. We can then worry about its functioning and just be aware of our habits, because the body knows how to keep in balance if it is not by us disarmed.

Some people try to control the weight or change the functioning of the body. But that is expendable, because he knows what he has to manifest, according to his abilities. Any imposition, whether concrete or mental, can deregulate its functions and misstate the purpose for which it was created.

After assimilating our message that it is the dwelling place of the soul, the body dispenses with interference. But we will always have a task for him: not to wear it uselessly with habits, vices or impositions. For this we need to have insight into what we do. Fatigue and devitalization occur when we develop activities without the intention of contributing to the general evolution. Channeling attention, concentrating the mind, feeling and physical action on the evolutionary goal is what most resets the energies expended by the body, and not, as believed, the empty leisure of content. Since most people are not aware of this, they suffer continuous wear and tear that culminates in illness and, over time, in decrepitude.

Ordinary life creates obstacles for people to get back to life. An obstacle to the flow of energies in human bodies is the killing of animals. As long as humanity is able to provoke the suffering and premature death of beings from other realms of nature, it will be subject to disease. For more evolved people, meat is no longer an adequate source of food. Its use introduces into the body substances and vibrations of aggressiveness that in humans should already be transcended.

People who have already discovered the spiritual goal and dedicate themselves to it have less need for sensation, agitation, physical food, and gradually stop relying on people and things to be well. As they define themselves by the evolutionary goal, they begin to break free from dense energy sources.

Those who awaken to a more comprehensive consciousness are being handed the task of transmuting the material elements of their body into light elements. You don't have to wait for the advent of the New Earth to participate in it. It is possible to assist in its manifestation by cultivating the receptivity and adhering to the new laws and standards of conduct that are their own. This new life, which also has its physical side, can silently penetrate their consciousness.