08Sumians described our solar system as a set of 12 significant celestial bodies. In zodiacal language, these stars are all called "planets" , although among them the ancients included the Moon and the Sun. This means that the Mesopotamians not only possessed an inexplicable astronomical knowledge; they also affirmed the existence of planets that only contemporary science could recognize, like the distant Pluto, today devoid of its planetary status; the mysterious Uranus and Saturn and the unknown but sought-after 12th planet, which the Sumeans called Nibiru. Now, if the Sumerios, 6,000 years ago, were correct about the nine planets recognized today, why could they not be equally correct in relation to Nibiru? Let's meditate… RIGHT: Ut'napishtim, the Noah of Sumeria, rescues Gilgamesh from the middle of the oceans during the Anunnaki-induced Flood.

Six thousand years ago, the Sumerios met a planet called Nibiru. It was the planet of origin of a people described by the ancients as a "race of gods". The natives of Nibiru have visited earth in the past decisively influencing human culture. Cuneiform clay and stone artifacts and tablets found in Iraq clearly refer to a planet from which cosmic travelers came.The heritage of these remote aliens appears in the advanced technology of the Sumerios and other peoples around the world. Many relics are not accessible to the public who thus do not know this face of Mesopotamian mythology. In the case of the Sumeans, their culture is the oldest in the West. However, its mathematical system and calendar remain current.Gradually, research on Nibiru begins to appear, even though the planet is called by other names, such as , 12th planet or "planet of the cross". The Sumerios had twelve celestial bodies in their zodiac, counting the sun and moon and ten more planets that, they claimed, belong to our solar system.Today scientists are searching for this mysterious planet in the confines of space; NASA is committed to this research and experts are investigating why they are already sure that "Planet X" exists. Observed thousands of years ago, Nibiru is not seen in contemporary skies. This is because the orbit of the 10th planet (12th Sumerio star) is an extremely elongated elliptical. For millennia, the globe has kept away from the sun and the view of earthlings, far beyond Pluto's orbit.The Sumerios describe Planet X or Nibiru at the most extreme point of their trajectory, approximately 30 million light-years from Earth. The travelers from Nibiru who arrived on Earth are called Anunnaki and were considered gods. Tradition has it that the Anunnaki had "servants" who were "android beings". They weren't living beings, but they acted like they were.Zecharia SitchinZecharia Sitchin is a linguist, expert in cuneiform (Sumerian) writing and in many other ancient languages. In 1976, he published The Tewlfht Planet and thus began his transformative trajectory of ancient history research. In 1993, he released his sixth book, part of the Earth Chronicles series – When Time Began. This last book talks about the relations between the complex Stonehenge calendar, the ruins of Tiahuanacu in Peru, the ancient Sumerian culture and, by extension, the connection of these ancient monuments with the Anunnaki. Sitchin argues that the Anunnaki are not a fabulous allegory or creation of the Sumerians; rather, they are humanoid beings that inhabit the mysterious planet Nibiru.

Nibiru's extensive eccentric orbit makes the planet pass millennia totally invisible to observation at the center of the solar system. Zecharia Sitchin believes that when Nibiru's position is favorable, cyclically, the Anunnaki – inhabitants of Nibiru – visit the Earth and interfere in the course of human history. The year of Nibiru corresponds to 3,600 earthly years, a regular period of interval between the visits of the Anunnaki.

Sitchin has deciphered more than 2,000 cylinders and ceramic fragments with Inscriptions from Mesopotamia, some from 4,000 a.c., which are part of the collection of museums from around the world. One of these fragments, which is found in Germany, indicates that the Earth is the "seventh planet", counting from Pluto. It happens that Pluto was only discovered by modern astronomy in the early 20th century. How could the Sumeans know of such a thing?The linguist believes that, in antiquity, extraterrestrial beings lived with ancient Mesopotamians and were the "instructors" , the gods of humanity of the early historical times (post-advent of writing). Comparing the mythologies of the Creation of different cultures, there is the coincidence of myths, which are recurrent in references to a "colonization" or instruction of the first human nations by higher beings, who came from space and are in charge of teaching primitive men the "arts" that characterize civilizations.Always seeking the identity of these "celestial instructors", Sitchin began his journey through the world of ancient cities and the great empires of the past. One of its most significant conclusions affirms the existence, on Mars, of an alien structure, artificial, pyramidal, located in the region called Cydonia. This pyramid is not the only one; its distance from another similar structure is proportionally identical to the distance that exists between the Sphinx and the pyramids of Egypt.These relationships between pyramids may mean that they serve as topographical landmarks for celestial travelers, such as the Annunaki, both on Earth and on Mars. Sitchin believes that the pyramids of Giza were not an achievement of the Egyptians. In 1993 it was disclosed the discovery that the Sphinx is two thousand years older than previously thought, which reinforces Sitchin's theory.The Hole of SaddamControversy, Sitchin bases his theories on rigorous translations of sumeriotexts, Vedic (Indian) scriptures and original Bible texts written in Hebrew and Greek. The site, on Earth, of arrival or landing of the Annunaki is a region called Eridu, southern Iraq. The difficulty of capturing Saddam Hussein stemmed from the fact that his hideout, the "hole" where the dictator was found, is part of a pyramid built in the ancient and unknown of archaeologists working in that country.The Southern Hemisphere SkyNASA has located a massive, black cosmic object in the skies of the southern hemisphere, a fact that may justify the recent reactivation of telescopes in Argentina and Chile. Sitchin, who visited several astronomical observatories of antiquities, found that all favor the view of the southern quadrant and are also located at the same latitude as the Earth.Many of these observatories allow accurately measuring the sunrise and moon. It is possible that this remarkable interest in heaven was motivated by the expectation of a return of these alenígenas who were, in the past, considered breeders and instructors of the human race.
The Anunnakiby Jason Marteltranslation: Mahajah!ckAnunnaki: in the Sumerian language means "Those who came down from heaven"; for the Hebrews were Nefilim, Elohim; in Egyptian, Neter. Archaeological discoveries and artifacts collected in the last two hundred years are the foundation of the theory that an advanced civilization from a distant planet, but belonging to the solar system of which the Earth is part, reached the Persian Gulf about 432,000 years ago; were the Anunnaki. Stellar visitors colonized the Earth for the purpose of obtaining large amounts of gold. His manpower was herded among primitive humans, who were genetically manipulated.250,000 years ago, the alien colonization system began to decay; the mine workers (Earthlings) began to rebel against working conditions and the Anunnaki then decided to create a being that could replace primitive humans. The genetic engineering experiment had to be redone. Enki, a genetic scientist, and Ninhursag, chief of medicine, created hybrids using material from homo erectus, animals and Anunnaki themselves.. The result was homo sapiens, who came into the world to be a slave! The first men, being hybrids, did not reproduce. New adjustments were made and, thus, the species could breed.When the sapiens became very numerous, part of them was driven out of the Anunnaki cities and thus gradually spread on the planet. But the creatures surprised the creators: they were beautiful and developed very well. Some females began to serve as sexual partners for the colonizers. These unions were fertile, they produced offspring. It was an unacceptable situation for most Of the Anunnaki who decided to exterminate the colonized population – humanity – causing a colossal flood at a time near the re-entry of Nibiru near the earth's orbit. This flood happened about 12, 000 years ago.Many humans were saved by Enki, who sympathized with those he had created himself. For thousands of years, men and women were slaves and soldiers. The Anunnaki used their servants in the wars they fought with each other, in the construction of palaces and cities, in astronomical facilities located on all continents. They occupied not only Mesopotamia, but also Egypt, India, the Americas. That is why the signs of his presence are found all over the world.Six thousand years after the flood, the Anunnaki who remained here resolved that it was time to leave the planet and gradually led the human race to independence, introducing a heavily hierarchical sociopolitical system. Lineages of kings were established, possibly considering the descent of the Anunnaki: they were the "Initiates", versed in sciences such as mathematics and astronomy, knowledgeable of techniques of medicine, architecture and engineering. Dynasties whose continuity was made through "colleges" – the "colleges of mysteries".Astronomical EvidenceThe definitive proof of the veracity of the Sumerian tradition would be the scientific recognition of one tenth planet (or 12th astro) in the solar system, that is, the "discovery" of Nibiru with size, orbit and other characteristics described in the records of Mesopotamia.Pluto was discovered in 1930 and Charon, its moon, in 1978. Pluto's analysis shows that certain peculiarities of the orbit of this planet and also the orbits of Uranus and Neptune can only be explained by the existence of an unknown planet that must be much larger than Pluto and even Earth.Between 1983 and 1984, iras – Infrared Astronomical Satellite produced observations related to a tenth planet. In 1992 new discoveries were published about an extra planet in the system, called "intruder – "intruder planet". Scientists then began to compare astronomy data with the translations of Zecharia Sitchin, in particular the translation of the document Enuma Elish, which contains the history of the formation of this solar system. They are very ancient anais that speak of a planet the size of Uranus called Tiamat, whose orbit passes between Mars and Jupiter.The large planet Nibiru was captured by the gravitational force of the solar system and its entry into the cluster caused anomalies in the moons of the other planets. Nibiru collided with Tiamat and huge fragments entered earth's orbit. One of these fragments came to be the Moon.The interest of ancient and contemporaries in Nibiru stems from a very practical issue. The archaeological reports are clear: the passage of this planet every 3,600 years in the vicinity of Earth produces sensitive effects on the environmental reality; disasters are triggered. The Nibiru pass is possibly the cause of the change in the Earth's poles, tidal regimes, weather patterns, orbit deviations and shock with asteroids that are swept away by the "intruder." Nibiru may have caused, for example, the extinction of life on Mars or the end of the dinosaur era. MY
STERY OF TIAMAT: THE OTHER NAME OF THE EARTH500,000 years ago the planet Earth was not called "Earth". The name "Terra", from the Greek gaia, is a recent innovation. His oldest name is Tiamat. It was a completely different place than it is today and was located in space in another position, farther from the sun, between Mars and Jupiter. Mars, which was closer to the sun was then completely habitable, with a temperate climate and abundant water in a liquid state. This fact, although not disclosed, has already been widely verified by NASA and other scientific groups.Tiamat was closer to the star Sírius (or Sothis, as the ancient Egyptians called it). The Syrian planetary system and the star system called the Sun were part of the same and single larger system, part of a cosmic unit. The two systems are still gravitationally connected to a third system, another fact that begins to gain ground in the scientific circles.The "Regional System of Sírius" evolves around a central sun called Alcyone, a star located in the constellation of Pleiades or "Quadrant of the Pleiades". The Sol-Sírius-Alcyone set describes an orbit around the center of the galaxy (Via Lactea) toward the star of Sagittarius. The entire orbital movement of the megasystem lasts for 200 million years. This great cycle is expected to complete a revolution on December 21, 2012, the date predicted by the Mayans for the outbreak of an apocalyptic global catastrophe. SOURCE: SOLÀRION, Robertino. A Brief History Of Planet X Nibiru, 2003. IN APOLLONIUS.NE
TA Technological EvidenceArchaeological excavations have long brought to light artifacts, tools, machines and records that surprise, by their advancement, the expectations of scholars. They are inexplicable objects to academic historical science. In the Desert of Iraq were found clay batteries with electrodes dated 2,500 years before Christ; in a funerary pyramid, there was a perfectly functional aeroplane model.More recently, monoatomic gold recobeta at archaeological sites in the Middle East has strengthened the belief in highly sophisticated past civilizations. Monoatomic substances are superconducting energy at room temperature and have anti-gravitational properties. Only in recent years has monoatomic gold been investigated by physics. Archeologically, however, Mesopotamian monoatomic gold has been known since 1889, when Sir Flinders Petrie demonstrated that the material was produced 3,000 years ago.Documentary EvidenceThe documented historical record of the existence and realizing of the Anunnaki began to appear since the early years of the 19th century. The excavation of ancient Mesopotamian archaeological sites revealed an advanced Sumerian civilization. Thousands of clay blades contain scriptures related not only to everyday issues such as commerce, marriages, military actions, and astronomical calculation system; cuneiform tablets also speak of the Anunnaki.It is evident that the Sumeans knew perfectly well that those aliens were living creatures of "flesh and blood". The Library of Assurbanipal, despite having suffered a fire, has not lost anything of its documents made of clay, fire resistant. Thus, 400 cuneiform tablets were preserved that contain the history of archaic times, without flaws; a kind of "time capsule" made of boiled clay. It's these documents that tell the Anunnaki saga.

Genetic EvidenceS Sumerio records locate the laboratory, where the Anunnaki created homo sapiens in east Central Africa, near the gold mines. It is an area that coincides with the place where the oldest mitochondrial DNA was found, belonging to the fossil that became known as Lucy. Archaeologists also found ruins of 100,000-year-old gold mines. The documents also describe the advances in genetic engineering. The rapid progress of the human species sapiens, which arrives on Mars just 250,000 years after actually starting to "get out of the caves" is remarkably anomalous in the face of the millions of years that have been needed to consolidate the oldest members of the niche of homo e

rectusFONTEGiants Upon the Earth – by Jason Martell, ANCIENT-X – accessed 09/01/2007Planet X: Past and Present – ANCIENT-X – accessed 09/01/2007Zecharia Sitchin – ANCIENT-X – accessed 09/01/2007t
ranslation: Ligia Cabús (Mahajah!ck)

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