MEDICINEAs we learned earlier, the etheric body, that first energy layer that surrounds the physical body, is that it captures and transmits to the brain the sensations of pain or any discomfort or imbalance. It is the etheric body that signals the first imbalance, physical, emotional or mental.
Unless there has been a physical accident, the energetic imbalances originate in the mind, through negative thoughts, which affect the emotional body, which signals the etheric body this dysfunction. IF it is not resolved in time, this manifests itself as a physical illness.
So, when you feel the first sign of pain or energy imbalance, do the following exercise:1-Take y

our consciousness, or your attention to the area of the body that is bothering you. This movement of consciousness brings energy to this point. This process of bringing attention to a certain part of the body increases the healing energy flow, unlocking the still energies that cause pain.

2-Now, take a deep breath and take your consciousness to the critical point. Take about seven deep breaths that will be enough to end the pain or harmonize the energy flow of the corresponding chakra. As you practice, you gain a new habit and also more confidence in the process.3-This pro

cess should start with few strong breaths, which can cause dizziness, and as you develop the technique will increase the effectiveness of the process.
As people are already conditioned to take medicine, thus transferring the responsibility of the disease and the cure out of themselves, especially the elderly, it is necessary a little more clarification for them.

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