The thought-forms

"When you think of killing, you kill; when you think about tampering, you've tampered with.

Of Jesus, using his parables to talk about thought forms. – "Thought is mental matter". Theosophy. "The world is mental." From Hermes Trimegistus, the three times wise. According to ancient studies of the East, mainly from Tibet, as mentioned by several initiated authors of Theosophy, such as Madame Blavatsky, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant, as we think, thoughts – which are very subtle electromagnetic vibrations – acquire shapes with color and definition. Due to the quality, intensity or power of thought, such as thoughts of love, hatred, mental laziness, high intellectuality, envy, rancor and others, thought forms function as an energetic creation generated by our brain and propagates like a magnetic wave, and may affect other people who are in the same vibrational tune. It is through thought-forms that we "capture" or tune other people's thoughts and are often affected by them without being aware of what is happening. In the same way that fish are connected to each other through water, we humans are immersed in an ocean of frequencies, of vibrations, because, according to the Hermetic Principle of vibration: "In the created world everything vibrates". Moreover, at the beginning of the 20th century, through quantum physics and studies on holograms we had the scientific proof of ancestral knowledge that all things in the universe are holographicly connected and that each part contains the whole, obeying another Hermetic Principle, that of correspondence: "What is below is like what is above and vice versa". Our thoughts are the mental matter, the basic blocks of our construction, of our creation, of everything that exists, because it all begins with an idea, a thought. Every thought we emit has considerable power, according to the energy we use at the moment of its irradiation and the thought-forms generated by the thoughts are a temporarily living, lively and intense lysing entities. It is worth mentioning that negative thoughts generate astral larvae that stick to the human energy field, the so-called aura, causing energy imbalances and consequently physical diseases..