HEREAlthough it is a bit technical, it is important to have an overview of these three layers or envelopes that surround th

e earth.

BIOSPHEREThe biosphere is little known to most people today, just as the force of gravity was unknown to all previous humanity only 300 years ago, at the time of its discovery by Newton, although it has always existed, The word Biosphere, comes from bio=life, more sphere= the one that has the form of a globe,The biosphe
re is the physical envelope of the earth , is "the environment" where we all live. Technically, it is an integral biogeochemical system, a complex unit with its own principles and laws that governs everything that exists on earth. The common and inadequate name for this complex system, which contains the sum of life and its organic and inorganic systems disseminated throughout the earth is called the "environment", where the human being is only one of the components of the system. It wasn't until 1969, when man first left the biosphere aboard a rocket flung at the moon, and we saw our beautiful little blue planet that we became aware of being planetary beings. All aggressions against nature are actually against the biosphere itself, against the life of the planet. Who wants to delve into this subject and understand it better, the Russian scientist V. I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) was the forerunner of the theme, with a work entitled The Biosphere and Argüelles itself throughout his works. The normal evolution would be from the biosphere – the "physical" envelope of the earth to the noosphere- the mint envelope of the earth, but a layer was artificially constructed between the biosphere and the noosphere, called the technosphere-the technological envelope.


HERE A technosphere is the fruit of the industrial revolution, which has been combustion in the last 50 years, through technology, materialist consumerism and globalization, which has nothing planetary, because it is highly sectarian, nationalist and fragmented. Because of this man, living in an artificial time and without purpose of life, was lost in materialism, forgetting what his mission on earth and losing his connection with the divine. The technosphere is this chaotic world in which the Western "civilized" world lives, living manipulated by the daily propaganda of things that it does not need and from which it ends up being slave, without realizing, in the most varied vices. Who has addiction is not a free human being a slave.
The main prison in the Western world is the lack of time, he spends so the only resource he has behind having things, instead of discovering what he came to do on this planet and from there, follow on his true mission on this very short journey on this planet.


CALThis term was coined by the French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin,being the noosphere the mental envelope of the earth.

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