There is a recurring theme in the New Age movement that refers to opening the chakra of the heart, to moving from conditioned love, which is related to a person, usually in a condition of exchange, to the unconditioned. 
There is a great fallacy or confusion here because unconditional love is not a feeling or emotion, but it is a state of being, of coming into resonance with superior energies, above the resonant conditionings of the dimensions of duality, which comes from the higher Self and the tuning of this vibration generates in the being the state of loveiness that transcends any intellectual definition, for it needs to be felt in the heart and this flash of divine love and light , transforms the person, even for once in his life, by a blink of an eye.

For this condition to be manifested, it is necessary to maintain the harmonization of all chakras, which is the only condition in which the human being achieves his energy integrity, by making the bridge of light between the Sun-Father and mother-earth, where all aspects of the being incarnate is honored, and only with this state of integrity, that the person can enter into this higher harmony and be able to "feel" in all physical cells and in his consciousness the magnificence of a transcendent reality in which we capture the Divine, the Source of All Or God.
In this State of love you feel your divine power and really can love unconditionally, without any condition, acting as a beacon of rosy light, the color of the vibration of unconditional love, which is a vibrational mean of red (of the basic chakra power), with white (the spiritual color of the corony chakra), which from the heart (4th chakra , at the midpoint), which radiates to the auric field of the person, visible with a third eye, in loving people, in happy and cheerful little children and in the "sacred heart of Jesus" which symbolizes the energy of loveliness on our planet and that we must follow his example and his words: "Love one another". Soon the safe way to take you to this already slow natural state is the purification of the soul and the quest to unseeit the Divinity that is latent in your heart, which is its energetic core, fed by the energetic Trinity of solar origin.

The purification of the soul encompasses two aspects, mental and emotional, the latter being the most relevant, because as we live in an energetic ocean of humanity's emotions, where we still predominate those of a lower scale, such as fear, anger, passions, guilt, etc., without emotional purification we are "engulfed" by this vibrational tsunami, because we connect to these emotional states , exterior, but that affect us inwardly by entering automatic MRI.
When by personal effort, we lift our vibration to a new frequency, naturally turn off the energetic "hooks or hooks" of this astral dimension and thus we can consciously enter the mental vibrations that will lead us to the divine, unitary world.This "presence" of God in our body generates a radiance of light, which is our cosmic signature, which shows our spiritual scale, the coefficient of light.
This radiance generates a magnetic field around the human being, which can be "felt" by all sensitive people, within a radius of several meters, as an energy of peace, loving and healing, which usually leads you to tears when you are in the presence of a saint. I felt something like this on two occasions: one with Chico Xavier in the late 1980s. and with "Mother Shimani", the spiritual guardian of Aurora, Uruguay.

As it is magnetic fields, all interconnected, to each person who awakens his cystic or Búdic energy, this field expands in both intensity and vibration, which creates a "momentum" increasing potential that usually "attracts" as a powerful magnet those souls who are in search of their way in the direction of light and from there , by force of intent, the call for help and guidance of the beings of Light is triggered from our higher I.

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