The activation of the portals

"You are gods and you can do even more than I do…" Master Jesus.

The activation of the portals is one of the most interesting processes I know in this time of planetary transition. This is felt from a user's point of view, on the hereside of the screen. I'll explain it better. Imagine you on a computer double-clicking an icon, for example on Google, doing some research, and you get millions of pages available on that topic in milliseconds. Apparently so simple, but you have no idea of the technology and complexity of the processes behind that operation so simple from the user's point of view. The same is true of the activation of the portals. It is from this perspective that I will make some comments on this subject so commented on today.

In reality, the portals that have been intentionally destroyed by the Catholic Church over the millennia on our planet are being reactivated.

Like every living being, mother Gaia, has an energetic circulatory system, similar to that of our body, where physical blood circulates and also the prana, the vital energy, which is magnetic, anchored in a crystalline structure that we call skeleton, with several junctions, which we call ankle, knee, wrist, etc.. Our bones are crystals. Similarly, the earth also has a magnetic circulatory system a few meters from its surface, usually called Ley lines. These lines interconnect at energy points, magnetic vortexes, true chakras of the earth.

One of these most famous portals is Stonehenge, the ancient Celts and Druids. Other important portals of the planet are located where are the great cathedrals of the Catholic Church, where they were intentionally built by the Masons (mason means mason in French) by direction of the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church, which is a creation of the Roman Empire, to keep human minds asleep.

From there began to be disabled the large crystalline, or magnetic arteries of the planet, where just like an antenna people are intuitively tuned and feeling part of a large planetary system. You feel PART of God, of the earth, of the sun, of nature, not separated. This connection between the human being and the crystalline grid of the earth is effected by our physical brain, through the skull bone, having the pineal gland, which is exactly in the center of the brain, as a point of magnetic irradiation, and the pineal is also a crystalline structure of apatite. The pineal is an antenna that radiates from our being, to the structure of the skull and from there to the crystalline grid of the earth. For this reason René Descartes said in the Century that pineal is the point where the human soul is. Modern neuroscience has already identified a connection between the pineal gland and the right cerebral hemisphere. Since approximately 98% of humanity is right-handed, that is, it has the most active left cerebral hemisphere, this percentage represents the number of people normally disconnected from the earth's magnetic mesh, and as a consequence of nature and God.

As a consequence of this humanity has lost the synchronism or balance between the two cerebral hemispheres, or in scientific terms, it has lost brain bicamerality.

This led to a disconnection, a forgetfulness of the astral plane, which is the vibrational dimension that we inhabit every night while we sleep. In this case, the brain frequency drops to Alpha, Delta, and Theta, and the right cerebral hemisphere takes control. Usually we are in the wakefulness, in Beta (brain frequency between 14 and 30 cycles per second or Hertz, and with predominance of the left hemisphere, leaving the human being trapped only in the third dimension, of the matter of the physical world, where are currently imprisoned most of the race currently incarnated).

There are numerous other factors that contribute to the loss of brain synchronism, which I will delve into other articles: radioactive air pollution, the consumption of red meat, mammalian animals, alcoholic beverages, refined products (sugar, wheat, salt,.) of caffeine, especially Coca-Cola, with its secret formula, which in my opinion is bottled black magic, because it directly affects the pineal gland and consequently the right cerebral hemisphere and the loss of connection of the coronary chakra with the superior vibrational dimensions. Coca-Cola disconnects the human being from his spirit or Higher I.

With the re-entry of the Earth into the Photon belt of the Pleiades, scheduled for the winter solstice of the northern hemisphere, on 12/21/2012, according to the Mayan Calendar, it becomes mandatory for people to acquire brain balance and to reconnect with mother earth.

Despite the numerous efforts undertaken by the Spiritual Hierarchy, intergalactic Council of Light or simply the Great White Fraternity, which sent highly evolved beings to our planet, like master Jesus about two thousand years ago, with the purpose of awakening dormant human consciences through his living example. Due to the interference of the forces of evil, involutive, the "gods" (plural and with small d) annunakis, extra-terrestrial beings originating from the planet Nibiru, as scientifically proven through the writings of the Sumerians, as clearly shown in the monumental work of Zacheria Sitchin, since the 70s, as examples the books " The 12th Planet" and the "Genesis Reviewed". These beings are referred to as gods in the Old Testament and the Messiah expected by the Hebrews is King Anun of this dark planet who has assembled a diabolical plan to get hold of this planet. Hence the biblical expression: "You are the chosen people (the Hebrews) of God and I will give you the promised land. ( the planet itself, because the annunaki's plan is to abandon Nibiru and settle on Earth. According to the great researcher and international medium Sylvia Browne, in her book "End times.", they should be back in 2040. Planet Nibiru passes near earth every 3600 years.

With regard to radioactive pollution, the first atomic explosion occurred in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah about 6,000,000 years ago, as reported in the Old Testament. That's when the loss of brain timing began. With the repetition of the atomic explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, the "oblivion" of humanity was further deepened. It was there that the Spiritual Hierarchy intervened again in the destinies of earthly humanity, with the return of a new race, the red skins, originating from the Pleiades, which had been decimated in recent centuries by the white race, originating from the Annnunakis. This gave rise to a new breed, which is now called "Indigo", due to the color of its aura, of a beautiful color, indigo blue.

They are disguised in all the colors of skin, white, black or yellow, but with heart of the red race, committed to mother Earth. They are usually spiritualists, not adapting to the fixed structures of traditional religions. They are free thinkers in search of truth, as a true "walking metamorphosis" , as the poet Raul Seixas said.

This race came "coded" at the dna level, with internal alarm clocks that resonate with the activation of the portals, which are immense crystals originating from ancient Atlantis, scattered in various parts of the planet, mainly in South America.

These crystals, which generate new portals, and new frequencies of light are rebuilding the earth's crystalline mesh. All this new race that has made a commitment to the Christ light, before the masters of light and to its own Higher Self, in the meeting called the carmic council, which takes place just before our conception in this incarnation, is programmed to awaken with each activation of these crystals.

The big problem is that most of this race, which began to incarnate in the 1950s, is trapped in the addictions already mentioned, and because of this they are going through great existential anguish, because they intuitively know that they are here with a purpose, that they are not here by chance, or just to make money, have things, raise children, have sex, get sick and die , which satisfies most of the "old race", but are not able to remember the mission. This has generated diseases known as: hyperactivity, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, borderline, existential emptiness, headaches, fibromyalgia, and so many other imbalances mistakenly treated with allopathic drugs that are also created by large Annunakis/Jewish companies, the infamous pharmaceutical laboratories.

Despite this immense conflict, a real war between evolutionary and involutive forces, the former are winning, as many are awakening. This breed is being re-activated by Pleiadian beings, who are currently at the level of the fifth dimension, in spacecraft, some of which are energetically anchored in Aurora, Uruguay. This activation process occurs during sleep, when an energy purification is done at the cellular level. This is a safe process of spiritual ascension and is available to all, repeating to all who want it is at the service of the Christic forces, such as Warriors and Warriors of Light. For this to happen it is necessary to begin a process of cleansing the physical organism, freeing itself from the vices that bring down the energy vibration, and put the intention focused, when we do this we are communicating with our Higher Self and giving up our free will of the ego. It was through some parables that the master Jesus referred to this process: "When the disciple (the ego in learning) is ready the master (The Higher Self, our divine essence) appears", or "Seek and find" and "Knock the door opens".

Today, September 9, 2009, (9.9.9), is the opening day of another portal. The first great portal, or as usual, the first beat of the drum, to awaken the dormant consciousnesses occurred on the night of August 16, 1987, when the first rays of Light of Alcione, in the constellation of Ursa Maior, the Pleiades, hit our planet. This event was called "Harmonic Convergence" by the great researcher of the Mayan Calendar, José Arquelles. I recommend two of his books: "The Mayan Factor" and the "Time and the Technosphere".

From now until December 2012 there will be many activations of portals, of crystals, and we will see an awakening of an awareness of Love, of the search for the Truth that frees, as our dear master said, in a geometric progression, as has never been seen in the last 12,000 years we have lived in darkness, under the dominion of male energy.

All are called, but unfortunately few choose. We are living an Apocalypse, which means Revelation for a new Aquarian Age, of Light of Love and Truth. Let each one wake up from this long sleep and take on his role as the crew of this immense interplanetary, interdimensional ship called Earth. We are the pilot, creative and powerful Gods who are awakening and taking our Power back. We are contributing a little sip in this ocean of Light Frequencies called God, but without this little gout it would be smaller, as Mother Teresa of Calcutta said.